We invite you to be a part of our digital gallery by contributing your cherished memories and moments captured during our festivities. Your photographs can add vibrancy and depth to our online collection, allowing us to create a visual tapestry that reflects the true essence of our community's celebrations.
Send us your photographs capturing the spirit of our pujas and community events. Your snapshots could be of the decorations, ceremonies, cultural performances, or candid moments of togetherness. You can submit your photographs by emailing us at deepkunjpujasamiti@gmai.com or you directly put your photographs in our Google Drive
By sharing your photographs, you become an integral part of our story, enriching our online gallery
with the vibrant colors and emotions that define our festivities. Let's come together and create a
visual narrative that encapsulates the spirit of our community and the beauty of our traditions.
Your participation is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to showcasing our collective
memories in this digital celebration of our shared culture and joy.